"As a Christian Steward of our Church and community, each of us receives God's gifts with a grateful heart, to manage responsibly and to share our gifts joyfully giving back to the Lord generously of our time, talent and treasure."
The Council of Ministries is composed of current ministry chairs and leaders and serve on the Council for the duration of their term. The group meets on the second Tuesday bi-monthly to share and discuss current activities and happenings of their ministry. Leaders also discuss and provide suggestions on how to engage parishioners in the life of the church.
Chair - John Constantino
Altar Servers Ministry - John Constantino
Bereavement Ministry - Pauline Viernes
Church Environment Ministry - Julie Bombarda
Church and Hall Volunteer Cleaners Ministry - Remy Corpuz
Extra Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion - Phyllis Celebrado
Filipino Catholic Club - Virgie Cruzada
High School Ministry - LIFE TEEN - John Constantino, Sr. Sudarshi Liyanage
Homebound Ministry - Aida Pascual
Hospitality Ministry - Tom Sategna
Lectors and Commentators - Lynette Medrano-Stine & Jewel Rapozo
Linen Ministry - Aileen Farias
Liturgy Committee - Faye Yoshida
Media & Technology - John Constantino, Sr. Su Sudarshi Liyanage OP
Middle School Ministry - EDGE - April Taguian & Michelle Albao
Money Counters Ministry - Tom Sategna
Music Ministry - Millie Curtis
Prayer Shawl Ministry - Josie Manansala
Religious Education Ministry - Sr. Marina Gutierrez, OP
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) - Millie Curtis & Dcn Bill Farias
Tongan Catholic Community - Leo Tangatailoa
Yard Crew Ministry - Dcn Bill Farias
Yard Crew Feeding Ministry - Dcn Bill Farias
Young Adults Ministry - Sr. Sudarshi Liyanage
Council of Ministries Statutes