The Rite of Christian Burial recalls the baptism of our loved one and our gratitude for the consolation of the Resurrection. The gift of faith, witnessed in the celebration of the Eucharist, speaks powerfully at times of loss and grieving.

Please inform the Church right away if a member of the parish community has passed away. We grieve with the family and want to help in any way we can. Know that we will be praying for the family.  Funerals and memorials are not sacraments, but rather a liturgical celebration of the Church for the life of the deceased.

After the mortuary is chosen, please contact the parish office at (808) 245-2432 to confirm a funeral date with the church. After the funeral date is confirmed with the church, Deacon Bill Farias, Sr., Funeral Coordinator, will schedule a meeting with the family to select Mass readings and answer questions regarding all facets ofthe funeral.