As stewards of the gospel, each of us are recipients of God's gifts and blessings. We are called to manage these gifts responsibly, and then to share these gifts joyfully, giving back to the Lord generously of one's time, talent and treasure.
Jesus reminds us that he is the vine and we are the branches, and it is the branches through which nourishment enlivens the vine, so it is with our parish ministries, organizations and programs.
There are many ministries, organizations and programs by which our parish is enriched – some of which require occasional participation, and others which entail regular service. As a steward of the gospel, we are called to be more than just a parishioner that attends Sunday Mass. We are all called to serve our community with love, joy and compassion.  Therefore we invite you to join our ministries, organizations and programs that will not only enrich your life, but will also vitalize the communion of faith we enjoy at Immaculate Conception Church. To be engaged in our current ministries or if you are inspired to start a new ministry, please contact John Constantino at 651-4151 for more information.

Altar Server's Ministry

Bereavement Ministry

Church Environment Ministry

Church and Hall Volunteer  Cleaners Ministry

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Filipino Catholic Club

High School Youth Ministry -  LIFE TEEN/Jesus and Me (J.A.M.)

Homebound Ministry

Hospitality Ministry

Kauai Catholic Campus Ministry

Lectors and Commentators

Linen Ministry

Liturgy Ministry

Media & Technology

Middle School Ministry - EDGE/Cross Roads

Money Counter Ministry

Music Ministry

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Religious Education Ministry

Respect Life Ministry

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

Tongan Catholic Community

Yard Crew Feeding

Young Adults Ministry